I have been working on the last set of bevels needed to continue and complete piecing together the stained glass panel for the interior door.
The first 2 stages (roughing, smoothing) are complete, 2 more to go - pre polish and polish.
The purpose of my art is to nourish your soul through the enrichment of your surroundings with the use of customized and intentioned light, color and movement. This is achieved by creating custom stained glass windows and oil paintings.
I have been working on the last set of bevels needed to continue and complete piecing together the stained glass panel for the interior door.
I was in the garage with only certain areas lit up and glanced at the glass on the table, the bevels caught my eye. Interesting the different lighting creating different effects with the glass even while on the worktable.
I completed the last batch of bevels, pieced together more of the panel.
This morning when the sun was rising, the glass in the kitchen lit up and the image appeared on the window shade. I love the effect of this! I noticed this on a window in a different house we had many years ago and I make sure I have this same type of shade that I purchased in Japan to get this type of effect.
The online version of the book Current Masters 7 is now available! Following is the link:
The printed books come out in a couple of months.
Recently, my work was juried and accepted into a book titled Current Masters 7. I just approved the proof for the 2 pages that I will have in this book:
The book will be released online sometime this month with the printed version in March.
I've been looking at Spiritual Tuning quite often since completing the varnishing and am now at a point where I can verbalize different aspects of this painting, what was going on while painting it and where the imagery originated from.
This was created over a two year period from 2021-2023 as indicated from earlier posts. The pose of the figure really captivated me- don't think I understood why fully at the time, definitely the overall shape and form of the pose as well as the light/dark aspects of it. After reflection I feel the pose has an introspective quality which I was going through at the time- healing from the past from religion, relationships, hurts, etc. Throughout the 2 year period I listened to a lot of music which allowed me to see so many colors, shapes, movement which all came out in this figure. The background has a yin yang feel which came from a lot of reading, learning and understanding dynamics of relationships/marriage and my own marriage. Learning about the dynamics of security and sexuality in a a marriage/relationship and how they are opposites. Once I really understood what was happening internally such as emotional healing, learning, introspection, changing- along with the musical aspects creating the color, movement, etc, the title Spiritual Tuning was quite vivid in my mind- an adjustment to become more of who I am.
Here is the progress so far on the Interior Door glass panel:
I am now at a point where I need to create more beveled pieces to continue the process. This will take quite awhile to complete as there are more of them than the first set of bevels that were completed earlier.
Begun the process of polishing this current set of bevels:
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The following are images of this current group of bevels that are beginning step 3, pre polish.
The shape on the right with 2 written on it is at the 2nd stage, #3 on the left shows completion of pre polish step.
Completed with pre polish step.
I was told that I needed a catchy title and this is what I came up with.
Following are close up images of the 1st stage of the beveling which will be easier to see each bevel. I am showing these to explain how the bevels that I create are different from anything you have seen. Typically when you see bevels in glasswork such as in entryways, mirrors, bevel clusters that stained glass artists can purchase, etc. each bevel is a particular width and remains that width all around the shape.
Quite a few years ago I was taught how to hand bevel and the width had to be the same all around the shape. In the mid 1990s I was piecing together a panel with bevels that I had created and the design was flat due to each bevel being the same width all around the shapes and each one next to each other. I wanted more movement and depth to the design so I started playing with the idea of changing the width of the bevel from one side to the other and different widths from opposite sides of the shape. This created much more movement and depth throughout the design. This can be seen in many of the images I have throughout this blog as well as in my web sites isaacdsmith.com and stained-glass-creations.com
This additional light play as well as increased depth and movement adds to my purpose to Nourish Your Soul Through a Symphony of Light and Colour!
Today I started hand beveling the pieces shown in previous post. This first stage entails getting the initial angles in the glass, grinding glass away to the width and angle desired.
I am starting the process of piecing together the stained glass panel:
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Very exciting to be starting this process!
The full scale stained glass design for the interior door is now completed:
Back in March and April I had posted a design for a stained glass panel to be inset in an interior door. This is the design I posted:
I have since completed the door frame and hung it up:
ADC Fine Art is presenting Art Comes Alive 2024 which is a juried international competition:
Completed cleaning the panel and the blue beveled pieces bonded on top of the clear beveled sections in the star.
Glass panel is coming together nicely! Top picture shows it all pieced together, 2nd image is after soldering all joints front and back, bottom two are showing the putty which fills in gaps in the came channel which will harden and traditionally was used as a sealer for the elements since these were the existing window up until a certain time period. The last panel also shows the whiting which helps the putty to dry faster as well as absorbing oils from the putty. Have to let it set for a week before cleaning, in the meantime blue glass pieces cut in the shape of the center of each clear bevel of the star will be beveled and be ready for bonding on top once the panel is cleaned.
The publication Important World Artists Vol. 6 where I had 3 paintings win awards and able to be submitted in this publication.
Following is the link: https://wwab.us/iwa-6/
The artists are listed alphabetically by last name so I am closer to the back of the publication.
The physical books will be available towards the end of August.
Clear bevels completed after 4 stages, roughing, smoothing, pre polish and polish:
First image shows the smoothing and pre polish stages, the bottom image shows polished stage.
The next step was to cut the 4 corner blue pieces and bevel a couple of edges to transition with the adjacent clear bevels and to tie in with the triangular shapes in the star.