Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stained Glass Star is Completed!

 Stained Glass of the Dallas Cowboys star is now completed:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Glass Panel Cleaned/Bevel Pieces Bonded

Completed cleaning the panel and the blue beveled pieces bonded on top of the clear beveled sections in the star.

 After completing the above sections I applied a patina on the solder joints so that they will blend in with the came instead of remaining silver:

Monday, August 5, 2024

Glass Pieces Beveled, Ready for Bonding

 While the putty is setting for a week, here are the blue pieces being cut and beveled:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stained Glass Panel Pieced Together and Soldered

 Glass panel is coming together nicely! Top picture shows it all pieced together, 2nd image is after soldering all joints front and back, bottom two are showing the putty which fills in gaps in the came channel which will harden and traditionally was used as a sealer for the elements since these were the existing window up until a certain time period.  The last panel also shows the whiting which helps the putty to dry faster as well as absorbing oils from the putty. Have to let it set for a week before cleaning, in the meantime blue glass pieces cut in the shape of the center of each clear bevel of the star will be beveled and be ready for bonding on top once the panel is cleaned.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Important World Artists Publication is now Online!

 The publication Important World Artists Vol. 6 where I had 3 paintings win awards and able to be submitted in this publication.

Following is the link:

The artists are listed alphabetically by last name so I am closer to the back of the publication.

The physical books will be available towards the end of August.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Different Stages of Beveling

 Clear bevels completed after 4 stages, roughing, smoothing, pre polish and polish:

First image shows the smoothing and pre polish stages, the bottom image shows polished stage.

The next step was to cut the 4 corner blue pieces and bevel a couple of edges to transition with the adjacent clear bevels and to tie in with the triangular shapes in the star.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Beveling Shapes

First stage of beveling continues with other shapes:

The last one in the background is the 5 sided shape that is the center of the star.  

Monday, June 24, 2024

Beveling Started

Began beveling the rectangles, this is the roughing or first stage:    This is a link for my video demonstration of hand beveling glass.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Stained/Beveled Glass Project

 I am working on a stained glass project for a client that I have done 3 other small panels at different times over the last 8 yrs.  I typically don't do these type of designs- sports team logos- but in her case she had a very good reason and I have been happy to help her and create these for her.  This one is the most detailed of all of them and involving hand beveled and bonded glass.  Here is the progress so far:

I have cut out all the clear glass that will be hand beveled. The beveled star will end up having blue pieces beveled and bonded onto the center portion of each piece.  

Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Page Layout for the upcoming Important World Artists anthology

 I found out this last week that the upcoming anthology of Important World Artists Vol 6 is getting closer to being completed for the online book and the physical book will begin printing soon!  

This is my page layout for the publication:

The bio for these are typically done in 3rd person and info given pertaining to where learned the skills, awards, education, etc.  I don't like sticking to that format thus the difference in what I had written for the page.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Important World Artists award winner!

 I recently submitted artwork into a competition for an anthology to be published of Important World Artists curated and published by Artavita.  The following email was sent out the other day and I am excited as well as absorbing and processing the information!

Out of 1598 works and 389 artists I was selected as one of the 82 finalists!

I am grateful to be selected at this level!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

My Work in World Wide Art Magazine #14 is Now Published!

 The two paintings that won in a competition I had mentioned in a previous post are now in the World Wide Art Magazine #14 which was published and distributed a couple days ago. 

Here is the link:

A partial image of one of the paintings is on the Index page and the full image as well as the other painting are on pgs 87 and 88.

I am very pleased to be in this magazine!

Friday, April 5, 2024

International Art Competition Award Winner!

I have entered my artwork into a couple different international art competitions put on by Artavita.  The first was competing for the Artist of the Year Title and Awards where there were 60 awards, the top 3 had specific prizes. I placed 35th out of 480+ entries!  My painting titled Anxiety won that position!

Here is the award certificate:

The second one that I entered was the 63rd Artavita Online Art Contest, to be selected for publication in the 14th issue of World Wide Art Magazine. I had 2 paintings chosen for this award out of several hundred entries!  These are my oil paintings Anxiety and Discovering:

Here is the certificate:

I am very excited to have won awards in both as this is the first time entering my work into International competitions!  The second award allows me 2 free pages published in the World Wide Art Magazine coming out later this month! 

I don't know what the outcome of this will be but am glad to be doing something different and experiencing a positive outcome!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Showing at the 2024 Art Expo New York!

 This Thursday through Sunday April 4-7 I will be showing 2 paintings with Artavita.  

The following link explains a little background of the expo as well as lists 10 "Legends" of the event.  The company I am presenting with is listed first!  

The 2 paintings I will be showing are Pianist and Anxiety

Preliminary Color for Stained Glass Design

 I colored in different areas with a basic idea for the color scheme.  

The squares are clear hand beveled pieces and the color will be hand beveled and bonded on top of the clear bevel.  The same with the larger triangle shapes.  The areas without color will be different clear textured glass.  Next is going through the glass and using pieces that are similar albeit with variation of texture and other slight differences.  Picking through and choosing the color is a very fun part of the process!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Stained Glass Design further along

 Here is the design drawn in ink and with bevels.  The next step is working on the color scheme.

The dimensions of this panel is 85 in tall by 30 in wide.  With all the hand beveling this will take quite a few months.  

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Designing Stained Glass Panel for Interior Door

I have been working on a design for the interior door.  Here is the basic outline/design:

This is in pencil at this time, a little difficult to see- if you click on the image it will appear larger to see more detail.  I will be drawing it in ink and then adding bevel lines as well as color.  

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Stained Glass Project for Interior Door

 I am currently building an interior door frame that will slide along a wall and opening that leads from a large bedroom to a separate area.  After door is constructed/painted, a stained glass panel will be inserted into the opening.  

The black metal support at top of opening is where the door will slide back and forth.

The next step is creating a few designs and determine what would look good in the space.  I will post as the project progresses. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Time of Rejuvenation?

After completing the painting I went through a period of feeling very worn out.  Then the holidays came with all the business associated with that.  I am now feeling the need to clean and organize, get a few things taken care of, taxes, artwork resized digitally for art submissions, marketing and art show planning, etc.  Most importantly prepare myself emotionally/spiritually such as listening to lots of music and technically (i.e. drawing to keep skills up) for projects that will come up. These are all different things that I do in-between projects.  Is is a time of rejuvenation?  Short answer is yes.  I take time to clean physical space as well as emotional space in order to be ready for the next project.   

Monday, November 20, 2023

Restoring/Repairing 1980s Beveled Glass Panels

I have been working on 9 beveled glass panels that go into coffee table and a couple of end tables.  These were made in the early 1980s and solder joints have been cracking and the came separating on different panels, no glass was broken thankfully.  The came is zinc so is pretty durable, one thing the fabricator did not do was apply stained glass cement/putty which would have made the panels more durable.  

 I was able to re solder all cracked and separated solder joints as well as apply the putty.  The above image shows 3 panels that go into an end table, the center one is all cleaned up, the other 2 in process of cleaning.    The coffee table panels were larger and have been completed, one of which was separating which I was able to repair.  

Nice to be able to repair older panels and allow them to last many more years.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

My Journey with Synesthesia

 I was having a discussion with a friend about my experience with Synesthesia and she had never heard of it before. The conversation was a lot of fun so I thought I would have a link here that tells the story of how I started verbalizing what I was seeing when listening to music and how much it influences my artwork.  The link is                 

Enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The More I Observe "Spiritual Tuning" the More I See of Myself


I have really been enjoying looking at this painting daily, seeing how much of myself is in this piece.  So much of what I have been healing from spiritually and learning the last couple of years spilled over into the depth, color, flow.  I feel like my soul is laid bare on this canvas.  The process was amazing, painting the colors/flowing images I have from listening to different styles of music.  I am sorry that the images don't show the depth and real emotion, the texture as looking at the actual painting.  

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Completed Oil Painting! "Spiritual Tuning"

 Took quite awhile and I have finally completed the oil painting!

Since the paint is not dry there is quite a bit of sheen to it and taking a good picture with a camera phone is nearly impossible.  Here are a few images at different angles to capture some of the background details.

I have been thinking about different titles and the one that fits is "Spiritual Tuning"

I have been in process on this painting for 2 yrs and during that time there has been a lot of healing spiritually, as a person, and being in tune with the images/colors in my head while listening to music.  The yin/yang implied feel to the background represents a lot of what I have been learning in regards to so many aspects in life.  

There is so much of my emotion on this canvas!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Figure is Completed on Oil Painting!

 I finally was able to complete the figure portion of the oil painting! Painted the hand yesterday.  I am very excited about this piece!

There is still a sheen in sections due to the paint being wet.  Next up is the background!