Saturday, July 27, 2024

Important World Artists Publication is now Online!

 The publication Important World Artists Vol. 6 where I had 3 paintings win awards and able to be submitted in this publication.

Following is the link:

The artists are listed alphabetically by last name so I am closer to the back of the publication.

The physical books will be available towards the end of August.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Different Stages of Beveling

 Clear bevels completed after 4 stages, roughing, smoothing, pre polish and polish:

First image shows the smoothing and pre polish stages, the bottom image shows polished stage.

The next step was to cut the 4 corner blue pieces and bevel a couple of edges to transition with the adjacent clear bevels and to tie in with the triangular shapes in the star.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Beveling Shapes

First stage of beveling continues with other shapes:

The last one in the background is the 5 sided shape that is the center of the star.