Thursday, February 27, 2025

Sunlit Glass!

This morning when the sun was rising, the glass in the kitchen lit up and the image appeared on the window shade.  I love the effect of this!  I noticed this on a window in a different house we had many years ago and I make sure I have this same type of shade that I purchased in Japan to get this type of effect.

 Fun how the textures appear on the shade!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Current Masters 7 Book

The online version of the book Current Masters 7 is now available!  Following is the link:

The printed books come out in a couple of months.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Current Masters

Recently, my work was juried and accepted into a book titled Current Masters 7.  I just approved the proof for the 2 pages that I will have in this book:

 The editor did a wonderful job editing the bio which I usually avoid.  The typical bio is in third person and tells of background info such as education and awards, etc.  I figure if someone really wants to know that kind of information then they can ask me and I will send an artist resume which has all that in it.  

The book will be released online sometime this month with the printed version in March.