Monday, June 24, 2024

Beveling Started

Began beveling the rectangles, this is the roughing or first stage:    This is a link for my video demonstration of hand beveling glass.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Stained/Beveled Glass Project

 I am working on a stained glass project for a client that I have done 3 other small panels at different times over the last 8 yrs.  I typically don't do these type of designs- sports team logos- but in her case she had a very good reason and I have been happy to help her and create these for her.  This one is the most detailed of all of them and involving hand beveled and bonded glass.  Here is the progress so far:

I have cut out all the clear glass that will be hand beveled. The beveled star will end up having blue pieces beveled and bonded onto the center portion of each piece.