When beveling colored glass, certain layers of the color is removed which changes the look of the color, lightening it and it also plays with the light more and adds more depth to the piece. Depending on the type of glass there may be different colors dispersed through the glass or a different color on one layer of the glass sheet. When beveling this type of glass I find the different colors are revealed or removed on certain layers which gives a very interesting look. Some color depending on where in the layers it is at will appear in different parts of the bevel.
I am using a blown glass that is a shade of blue with a layer of white opal. When I beveled it the white layer is removed in the bevel revealing the blue underneath the white.

I have enjoyed this process throughout the many years of doing this and it always is a joy to see different results from different types of glass. In all of the following examples, observe how color in the beveled edged changes, in some cases it becomes lighter, in others different colors that are in different layers of the glass are revealed.
This produces much more interest, light play and depth do the glass.